Research Article

An Algorithmic Approach to Wireless Sensor Networks Localization Using Rigid Graphs

Algorithm 1

Finding the rigid quadrilateral patches.
Input: The WSN graph of the form .
Output: Rigid Quadrilateral Patches
() Build adjacency matrix adj() of the WSN graph which will possess distance of WSN nodes
    that are within . Consider cycle() and node(). Initialize , , , .
() for to no. of. nodes do
()  consider the first node
()  while adj() != 0 do
()    Add the first node to cycle()
()    make node(, cycle()) = 1
()  end while
()  Consider the 1-hop neighbor of first node.
()  while adj(cycle(), ) != 0 do
()    add this node to cycle()
()    make node(, cycle()) = 1
()  end while
()  Consider the 1-hop neighbor of the previous node.
()  while adj(cycle(), ) != 0 do
()    add the this node to cycle()
()    if cycle() == then
()      Triangle is obtained and add it to the rigid matrix
()    end if
()  end while
()  Consider the 1-hop neighbor of the previous node.
()  while adj(cycle(), ) != 0 do
()    add the this node to cycle()
()    if cycle() = then
()      Quad is obtained.
()      Check whether obtained quad satisfies Theorem 8 and Theorem 12.
(      If it satisfies, then add NODE-ID’s forming quadrilateral to the rigid matrix.
()    end if
()  end while
()  Repeat the process for all the WSN nodes.
()  Put all the quads obtained with its NODE-ID in rigid matrix.
() end for