Research Article

Visual Map Construction Using RGB-D Sensors for Image-Based Localization in Indoor Environments

Algorithm 1

The multiconstraint ICP algorithm.
(1) Extract the ORB feature descriptors from the reference RGB image ;
(2) Extract the ORB feature descriptors from the current RGB image ;
(3) Match the feature descriptors in sets and , and exclude the
outliers via the MLESAC algorithm;
(4) Perform the ICP algorithm with the initialization result and the inputs:
reference point cloud and current point cloud ;
(5) Perform 3D domain optimization via the Trust-region-reflective algorithm
with the input: ;
(6) , ;
(7) while  ;
(8)Perform pixel-level optimization via the Trust-region-reflective
algorithm with the constraint ;
(10) The optimization result ;
(16) end