Research Article

Design and Implementation of Acoustic Sensing System for Online Early Fault Detection in Industrial Fans

Table 1

Summary of the adaptive Kalman-filtering variables.


State vector at time M-by-1
Observation vector at time N-by-1
State transition matrix from time to M-by-M
Measurement matrix at time N-by-M
Correlation matrix of process noise vector M-by-M
Correlation matrix of measurement noise vector N-by-N
Predicted estimate of the state vector at time , given the observation vectors M-by-1
Filtered estimate of the state vector at time , given the observation vectors M-by-1
Kalman gain at time M-by-N
Innovation vector at time N-by-1
Correlation matrix of the innovation vector N-by-N
Correlation matrix of the error in M-by-M
Correlation matrix of the error in M-by-M