Research Article

Design of sTetro: A Modular, Reconfigurable, and Autonomous Staircase Cleaning Robot

Table 2

Electrical components with specifications.


4 × DC motors/WGM34No load RPM: 100; stall torque: 3.5 kg cm; rated voltage: 12 VDC; no load current: 0.08 A max

2× Pololu DC motors/172 : 1 gear ratio25D × 56 L mm; no load RPM: 34 RPM; stall torque: 14.5 kg cm; rated voltage: 6 VDC; stall current: 2400 MA max

4 × servo motors (SM1 and SM2)/Herkulex Drs-0201Operating angle: 320°; stall torque: 24 kg cm; rated voltage: 7.4 VDC

1 × microcontrollerArduino MEGA 2560

1 × Adafruit DC motor shieldL293D motor shield

1 × Bluetooth moduleHC-06, 2.4 GHz

4 × batteries (BT1~BT4):
BT1, BT2 (block-2); BT3 (block-1), BT4 (block-3),
BT1: 11.1 V Li-po with 1600 mAh (to power 6 DC motors and Arduino)
BT2: 7.4 V Li-Po with 2100 mAh (to power Herkulex: SM1, SM2)
BT3: 7.4 V Li-Po with 2100 mAh (Ttzo power Herkulex: SM3)
BT4: 7.4 V Li-Po with 2100 mAh (to power Herkulex: SM4)

1 × IMUMPU-6050 6 DoF motion sensor

3 × VL6180X, proximity sensorDia: 4.8 × 2.8 × 1.0 mm; range: 0 to 100 mm; 2.6 to 3.0 V; 1.7 mA

1 × solid-state 2D lidar/LS02A (proposed)FOV: 86°; distance accuracy: 1.5%; distance range: 0.1–4 m; scan freq.: 10 Hz; angular resolution: 1°/0.5°