Research Article

Dynamic Adjustment Optimisation Algorithm in 3D Directional Sensor Networks Based on Spherical Sector Coverage Models

Algorithm 1

Dynamic adjustment optimisation algorithm (3D-DAOA).
1 Input1: The total number of sensor nodes and the perceived radius of the nodes
2 Input2:   // The area of the targets
3 // Randomly generate the number of nodes in the area of size
4  = Polyhedron ([0 0 0;1 0 0;1 1 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;1 0 1;1 1 1;0 1 1]  100)
5   100
6 Maxiter = 50   // Set the maximum number of iterations
7 Max_Step = 0~10 // Set the maximum moving step size of the node
8     // Set the initial angle of all directional nodes
9  // Get location information for all nodes
10   // Divide V-body units ,
11 if &&
12   &&
13 // Calculate the number of targets that have been covered
14 // Calculate the number nodes that are covering the target
15 while do
16 if then
17   &&
18 // Calculate the number of target points and the minimum angle
19 // Calculate the number of target points covered by the same node
20 else
21  Select the free neighbour nodes to move to cover
22 if then
23  Rotate the main direction axis by
24 else
26 // Calculate the number of target points that are currently not covered
27      // Calculate the total force
28  Move
29 end if
30  Set the number of iterations and repeat lines 12-29 until coverage is complete
31  end if
32 end while