Review Article

Sensors of Smart Devices in the Internet of Everything (IoE) Era: Big Opportunities and Massive Doubts

Table 1

Time-domain features.


Mean[18, 74, 75, 92, 95, 180184]The summation of data points divided by their number
Std deviation[18, 58, 74, 75, 180, 183, 184]It is the square root of variance
Average deviation[18, 58, 74, 180, 183]The average separation of data points from their mean or average value
Skewness[18, 180, 183]Measures the asymmetry from the mean value. It utilizes the mean and the variance
Kurtosis[18, 180, 183]Estimates the frequency of extreme values. It utilizes the mean value in its formula
RMS amplitude[18, 180, 183, 184]It is leveraged to calculate the power of a signal. It utilizes the maximum value of a set
Lowest value[18, 180, 182184]The maximum data point
Highest value[18, 180, 182184]The minimum data point
ZCR[18, 183]Zero crossing rate is a counter of how many times the data points cross the zero value
Nonnegative count[18, 183]Total number of positive data points in a set
Average absolute difference[75, 185]The average of the total differences between all data points in a set
Time between peaks[75, 184, 185]The number of points between two high peaks or low peaks
Binned distribution[75]The processes of grouping data points into smaller number of points or “bins”