Research Article

Vision-Based Deep Q-Learning Network Models to Predict Particulate Matter Concentration Levels Using Temporal Digital Image Data

Table 2

Deep Q-haze algorithm.

Initialize model configuration
  (i) Initialize action-value function Q with random weights
  (ii) Construct sequence arrays (i.e., at time ) of nine channels and randomly sample
   bootstrap batch out of the integrated data pool (i.e., as default)
   (iii) Initialize sequence and preprocessed sequenced (i.e., standardization and filtering
  outliers exceeding 90th quantile) via , namely .

   Create difference values of two consecutive arrays
   Repeat the following for
   (i) To derive the optimized action, select a random action , where
  (i.e., safe or harmful) with probability
  (ii) Otherwise select
  (iii) Execute action in the predictive rule and observe reward
  and new incoming sequence
  (iv) Set , , and process and calculate rewards determining
  actions and impose the weight according to testing outcome (i.e., true or false) and update
   every 10 times.
   (v) For , set as follows
  and , a true class label monitored via a device and set in this paper.
   (vi) Perform a gradient descent step on .