Research Article

Block-Split Array Coding Algorithm for Long-Stream Data Compression

Table 5

Comparison of data encoding.

Compression encodingWindow size supportTime complexitySpace complexityCompression ratio

gzip (LZ77)32 KBO(2)O()Very low; small data window to keep the speed
lz4 (LZ77)64 KBO()O()Very low; small data window and single matching point for fast compression
bzip2 (BWT)900 KBO()O()Low; small data window to keep the speed
7-zip (LZSS)4 GBO()O()High; independent data windows for multi-threads limit the window size
ComZip (BAB)512 GBO()O()High for similar data streams
ComZip (MLB)512 GBO()O()Matching point control for speed slightly decreases the compression ratio
ComZip (LZ77)512 GBO()O()High; shared data window for multi-threads