Research Article

Composite Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on Optimized Wavelet Packet AR Spectrum Energy Entropy Combined with Adaptive No Velocity Term PSO-SOM-BPNN

Table 8

Parameters of ANSVTPSO-SOM-BPNN.

ANVTPSO parametersValueSOM parametersValueBPNN parametersValue

Number of population particles 20Input node9Input node 10
Spatial dimension 199Network competition layerHidden layer node 13
Position [-1, 1]Topological functionHextopOutput node 4
Learning factor UndeterminedDistance functionLinkdistMaximum training times1000
Learning factor UndeterminedClassification stage learning rate0.9Training objectives10-8
Inertia weight 0.9Classification stage learning step1000Learning rate0.001
Inertia weight 0.4Learning rate in tuning phase0.02Hidden layer transfer functionTansig
Maximum number of iterations 20Tuning phase domain distance1Output layer transfer functionPurelin