Research Article

An Efficient Multilevel Thresholding Scheme for Heart Image Segmentation Using a Hybrid Generalized Adversarial Network

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode for segmentation.
Input: Load the Heart CT_Scan Images, HCTSCAN
Output: Segmentation of the images based on the threshold values
1. Define the hyper parameters like learning rate, batch size, and number of epochs
2. Define callbacks with the following estimators
i. model checkpoint to store the best model after compilation
 ii. set the CSV logger to save the best scores acquired by the model
  iii. define the Tensor Flow board with an early stopping mechanism to reduce the validation loss
3. Fit and compile the training dataset by shuffling the records
4. i. if threshold value<= length(masked_image) then
  Create a predicted mask to have a segmented image
 ii. else expand the image to concatenate with previous ROI bounds
5. store the images in the necessary directory