Research Article

H3K79me3T80ph is a Novel Histone Dual Modification and a Mitotic Indicator in Melanoma

Figure 3

H3K79me3T80ph is mitosis-associated. (a) Representative flow cytometry experiment of untreated asynchronous HeLa cells stained with propidium iodide and H3K79me3T80ph (Area). Propidium iodide incorporation was used to obtain a cell cycle profile, and the cell cycle phases were then gated. An H3K79me3T80ph histogram was created for each phase of the cell cycle. (b) Percentage of H3K79me3T80ph positive cells in each cell cycle phase as determined by flow cytometry of asynchronous HeLa cells stained with propidium iodide and H3K79me3T80ph (Area). Bars represent mean values (± S.E.M.), ; * = 0.0014, ** = 0.0016. (C) Immunofluorescence of asynchronous UCD-Mel-N cells stained for H3K79me3T80ph (red), tubulin (green), and DNA (blue). (d) H3K79me3T80ph and H3S10ph co-immunofluorescence performed on asynchronous UCD-Mel-N cells; H3K79me3T80ph (red), H3S10ph (green), DNA (blue).