Research Article

Melanoma Development and Progression Are Associated with Rad6 Upregulation and β-Catenin Relocation to the Cell Membrane

Table 1

Association of melanocytic nevi and melanoma with demographic characteristics of the patients.

Melanocytic tumor type and subtypeNo. CasesGenderAge
Total MFMedian (Range)

NeviJunctional nevus530111943 (33–53)
Intradermal nevus7
Compound nevus10
Atypical nevus8

PMSSMM1729141558 (48–68)
Nodular Melanoma7
Lentigo Malignant Melanoma5

MMMetastatic Melanoma2929191067 (58–76)


M: male; F: female; CI: confidence interval; PM: primary melanoma; MM: metastatic melanoma; SSM: superficial spreading melanoma.