Research Article

A Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison of Sonidegib and Vismodegib in Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma

Table 4

Baseline characteristics.

BOLT, sonidegib 200 mgERIVANCE, vismodegib 150 mg

Matched baseline characteristics
 Prior BCC radiotherapy, (%)5 (7.6%)(20.6%)13 (20.6%)
 Prior BCC surgery, (%)48 (72.7%)(89.0%)56 (88.9%)

Unmatched baseline characteristics
 Age in years
  Standard deviation15.915.516.9

 Age range in years, (%)
  18–406 (9.1%)(8.6%)7 (11.1%)
  41–6422 (33.3%)(31.6%)26 (41.3%)
  ≥6538 (57.6%)(59.8%)30 (47.6%)

 Race, (%)
  White59 (89.4%)(90.8%)(100.0%)
  Other7 (10.6%)(9.2%)(0.0%)

 ECOG status, (%)
  044 (66.7%)(69.3%)48 (76.2%)
  116 (24.2%)(21.5%)13 (20.6%)
  24 (6.1%)(6.0%)2 (3.2%)

 Sex, (%)
  Male38 (57.6%)(60.8%)35 (55.6%)
  Female28 (42.4%)(39.2%)28 (44.4%)

 Prior systemic therapy for BCC, (%)4 (6.1%)(5.4%)7 (11.1%)

BCC: basal cell carcinoma; ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. BOLT data analysis was based on the 18-month update (i.e., 18 months of patient follow-up) [7]; ERIVANCE summary information was based on the 12-month update (i.e., 21 months of patient follow-up) [16]; postmatched BOLT results were weighted at the person level; therefore, the number of patients was not available; two patients had missing ECOG status at baseline; Systemic or topical.