Research Article

A Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison of Sonidegib and Vismodegib in Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma

Table 5

Efficacy outcomes parameters.

Efficacy outcomeBOLT, sonidegib 200 mgERIVANCE, vismodegib 150 mg
Prematched Postmatched

ORR,   (%) (95% CI)37 (56.1%) (44.1–68.0)(56.7%) (44.7–68.6)30 (47.6%) (35.5–60.6)
Median PFS in months (95% CI)22.1 (14.8 to NE)22.1 (14.8 to NE)9.5 (7.4–14.8)
Median DOR  in months (95% CI)14.3 (12.0–20.2)15.7 (12.9–23.1)NE (9.0 to NE)
Sensitivity analysis
(ERIVANCE-like criteria)
 ORR, % (95% CI)60.6% (48.4–72.4) (47.6–71.3)
 Median DOR  in months (95% CI)14.9 (12.0–20.2)15.7 (12.9–24.0)

CI: confidence interval; DOR: duration of response; NE: not estimable; ORR: objective response rate; PFS: progression-free survival. BOLT data analysis was based on the 18-month update (i.e., 18 months of patient follow-up) [7]; ERIVANCE summary information was based on the 12-month update (i.e., 21 months of patient follow-up) [16]; postmatched BOLT results were weighted at the person level; therefore, the number of patients was not available; BOLT CIs for ORR were based on Wald asymptotic confidence limits (owing to the incorporation of weights); DOR was based on investigator review; median DOR based on independent review facility was reported to be 9.5 months (95% CI: 7.4–21.4).