Research Article

Experiences of Injuries and Injury Reporting among Swedish Skydivers

Table 1

The interview guide.

Yourself as a skydiverWhat constitutes skydiving culture for youInjuries during skydiving?

(i) Favorite way to skydive
(ii) Positive and negative aspects as a skydiver
(iii) Deliberately putting yourself in potentially dangerous situations
(iv) Affected by others to stretch limits
(i) Skydiving culture versus other sport cultures
(ii) In your own club, other clubs, internationally
(iii) Experiences while skydiving or being on other drop zones
(i) Descriptions of events leading to injury, the injury itself
(ii) Emergency procedures
(iii) Incidents/near injury events
(iv) Thoughts and feelings before and after incidents and injury
(v) Injury reported to SFF
(vi) If injured, why continue

Risk behavior—yours and othersDifferences between male and female skydiversSafety issues

(i) Reporting, grounding
(ii) Discussions on club or national level
(iii) Talking to risk takers, what do you say and how do they react
(i) The way to skydive
(ii) Risk taking
(iii) Attitudes
(iv) Injuries
(v) Skill and expertise
(i) Strategies for your own safety
(ii) Strategies to identify others’ safety issues
(iii) Suggestions or ideas for improvement of safety issues
(iv) Educative efforts
(v) Rules and regulations