Clinical Study

The Effects of Passive Simulated Jogging on Short-Term Heart Rate Variability in a Heterogeneous Group of Human Subjects

Table 3

The effects of gender on JD induced changes in HRV in seated and supine postures.


Heart Rate (bpm)
BL75(4)73(3)64(4)62(4) 71(3)68(3)62(4)62(3)
REC73(4)73(3)65(4) 63(5) 70(3)67(3)64(4)61(4)
SDNN (ms)
BL41(6)40(8)46(6)41(6)41(4)46(5)61(12) 53(10)
REC35(3)59(10)49(5) 59(5) 47(5)62(6) 62(9) 92(31)
RMSSD (ms)
BL32(8)39(10)44(5) 31(5)35(7)37(6)39(9)48(11)
REC22(4)49(14) 37(6) 61 (9) 43(10)50(9) 40(10)93(32)
SD1 (ms)
BL22(6)27(7)31(3)22(4) 24(5)26(4)28(6)34(8)
REC15(3)35(10) 26(5) 43(6) 30(7)36(7)28(7)66(23)
SD2 (ms)
BL52(8)49(9)57(8)52(7)51(3)59(6)82(16) 66(12)
REC47(4)75(11)63(8) 70(6) 58(5)78(7) 83(12) 110(39)
LF nu
REC63(7)61(6)52(11)42(8) 48(6)53(4)69(7) 46(9)
HF nu
BL31(5)42(5)39(3)42(3)34(6)47(4) 42(6)39(6)
REC30(5)31(4) 35(7)47(7) 41(4)39(2)25(5) 35(5)
BL3.5(1.3)1.9(0.6)1.4(0.3) †1.3(0.2)2.9(0.8)1.2(0.2) 2.5(1.6)1.5(0.3)
REC4.2(1.4)3.1(0.8)3.0(1.3)1.8(1.1) 1.6(0.5)1.5(0.2)4.8(1.6) 1.5(0.4)

Legend: HRV parameters in seated and supine postures for females and male subjects. Standard deviation of all normal RR intervals (SDNN), square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD). Poincare parameters of SD1 and SD2 and frequency domain parameters determined using a standard Fast Fourier spectral analysis calculated on the NN time intervals; low-frequency power (LF), high-frequency power (HF) LF, and HF powers are reported in normalized units (LFnu, and HFnu) Baseline (BL) and Recovery (REC) in seated and supine postures for Sham and JD. p< 0.05 Female vs. Male. p < 0.05 BL vs. REC. Sham vs. JD. vs. Supine.