Research Article

Binding of Coumarin 334 with β-Cyclodextrin and with C-Hexylpyrogallol[4]arene: Opposite Fluorescence Behavior

Table 5

Time-resolved fluorescence spectral data of C334 in C-HPA.

Concentration of C-HPA, mol dm−3Energy statesLifetime (s)Relative amplitude Standard deviation (s)

0T11.03 × 10−960.791.142.10 × 10−11
T23.05 × 10−939.214.12 × 10−11

1.8 × 10−7T11.01 × 10−964.320.101.93 × 10−11
T23.11 × 10−935.684.53 × 10−11

3.4 × 10−6T19.43 × 10−1066.640.101.72 × 10−11
T22.86 × 10−933.363.94 × 10−11

Excitation wavelength: 470 nm.
Emission wavelength: 504 nm.