Research Article

Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Screening for Bladder Disease in Africa: Training Rural Clinic Staff to Collect Data of Diagnostic Quality

Table 1

NIRS bladder screening protocol. The sequence of actions, commands, and computer entries required from the operator for collection of each data set once the device is applied to the skin over the bladder and the patient is standing ready to void.


1Activate the link between the device and the controlling computer
2Press the “Start” control on the computer to begin data collection
3Collect baseline data for 15 seconds
4Give the patient the instruction “Permission to void
5Press Mark control on the computer whenPermission to void” is given
6Press “Markwhen urine flow starts
7Press “Markwhen urine flow ends
8Collect data for a further 15 seconds
9Press “Stop” control to stop data collection
10Press “Save” to store the data file
11Enter patient information (including age, body mass index, symptom score, and voided volume) and notes on any issues are the logistics of screening
12Save data as a patient file
13Upload anonymous data file via the Internet