Research Article

Investigation of Formalin-Fixed Tissue Optical Characteristics in the Range of 200–500 GHz Using Pulsed Terahertz Reflection Spectroscopy to Differentiate Oral Malignant, Benign, and Cyst

Table 1

Various noninvasive techniques for diagnosing oral tissues.

S.NoTechniquesSpecimenSensitivity (%)AdvantagesDis-advantagesCost (INR)

1Autofluorescence spectroscopy [13]Oral tissue91.1It is a noninvasive technique and patient-friendlyNonspecific500–1000
2Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy [14]Oral tissue94Low cost, it gives quantitative results with good sensitivity & specificityThe result surrounds the overlapping of bands500–2000
3Elastic scattering spectroscopy biopsy [15]Oral tissue82No secondary proceduresTime-consuming
4Histopathological examination [16]Oral tissueNAThe study of large portions of tissues minimal or riskChances of human error broader in scope
Cell kinds are difficult to identify.
5Immunohistochemistry [17]Oral tissueNAUsed widelyChances of human error1500–3500
6Incisional biopsy [18]Oral tissueNAa little piece of tissue is used. Performed in suspected instances of cancer and precancer.Increased risk of metastasis of malignant lesions.1000–2000
7Laser capture microdissection [19]Oral tissueNACell separation is precise and fastExpensive sample contamination. High level of expertise required6000
8Mass spectroscopy [20]Oral tissueNAMolecular profiling of tissuesExpensive instrumentation
9Optical coherence tomography [21]Oral mucosa91Noninvasive easy-to-useHyperkeratosis has a negative impact on image quality.1000–2500
10Raman spectroscopy [22]Oral tissue90Minimal sample preparation nondestructive noninvasiveBands overlap, making it difficult to distinguish specific components.1500
11Vital staining techniques [23]Oral tissue91NoninvasiveA significant number of false positive instances are evaluated.500