Research Article

Selective Vulnerability of the Cochlear Basal Turn to Acrylonitrile and Noise

Figure 5

Statistical comparisons between groups for (a) DPOAE amplitudes, (b) CAP thresholds, and (c) hair cell loss at 4 weeks postexposure: Bonferroni’s post-hoc comparisons with as the significant limit. The parent analyses were repeated measure ANOVAs with “exposure” as between factor and “frequency” as a within factor. The colored bands illustrate the frequency range for which Bonferroni’s comparisons between groups yielded . ns: not significantly different. Note: for the CAP technique, the significance range is presented as “above x kHz” because it does not allow measurements above 40 kHz, whereas the significance is likely more extended toward high frequencies.
(a) Post-hoc Bonferronil’s comparisons—DPOAEs
(b) Post-hoc Bonferronil’s comparisons —CAPs
(c) Post-hoc Bonferronil’s comparisons—Histology