Research Article

Increased Susceptibility to Ethylmercury-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Subset of Autism Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines

Figure 4

Distinct mitochondrial respiratory parameters and responses to ethylmercury in the AD-A LCL subgroup. (a) ATP-linked respiration is significantly higher in the AD-A LCLs as compared to paired control LCLs at every concentration. (b) Proton leak respiration is overall markedly higher in the AD-A LCLs as compared to paired control LCLs. (c) Maximal respiratory capacity and (d) reserve capacity are both significantly higher in AD-A LCLs as compared to paired control LCLs at every concentration of ethylmercury except the highest concentration. ; ; ; ; ā†• indicates an overall statistical difference between LCL groups when differences at individual concentrations are not significant.