Research Article

Impact of Exposure to Fenitrothion on Vital Organs in Rats

Figure 9

Effects of fenitrothion on brain histopathology in rats using H & E staining (400). C: normal brain tissue, F1: focal hemorrhagic areas in the cortex, F2: scattered hemorrhage in brain ventricles and cytotoxic edema, F3: focal hemorrhagic areas, cytotoxic edema, degenerated neurons, and focal microgliosis, F4: cytotoxic edema and intense microgliosis, and F6: degenerated neurons, demyelination of the white matter axons, and encephalomalacia. N: normal brain cells. Black star: hemorrhagic area. Green lightning: cytotoxic edema. Red arrow: degenerated neurons and focal microgliosis. Yellow head arrow: demyelination of the white matter axons and encephalomalacia.