Research Article

Biomonitoring with Micronuclei Test in Buccal Cells of Female Farmers and Children Exposed to Pesticides of Maneadero Agricultural Valley, Baja California, Mexico

Table 4

Risk factors that could increase MNc frequency in farmers ().

VariableSamples>5 MNc<5 MNcOR (CI 95%) value
(%) (%) (%)

Alcohol consumption and tobacco use5 (14)3 (8)2 (5)5.36 (0.74–38.70)0.1102
Living in close proximity to fields (<400 m2)21 (57)7 (19)14 (38)2.17 (0.46–10.20)0.4613
Time of exposition to pesticides (>5 years)18 (49)5 (14)13 (34)1.07 (0.25–4.59)1.000
Age (>35 years of age)11 (30)5 (14)6 (16)3.50 (0.75–16.27)0.1249

MNc: micronucleated cells, CI: confidence interval. Fisher’s exact test (two-sided); a value < 0.05 would have been considered significant.