Research Article

Comparisons of Curative Effects of Chlorophyll from Sauropus androgynus (L) Merr Leaf Extract and Cu-Chlorophyllin on Sodium Nitrate-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats

Table 1

The hematological parameters in each experimental group.

ParametersGroup I
Group II
Group III
(NaNO2 + dose 1/2 CSA)
Group IV
(NaNO2 + dose 1 CSA)
Group V
(NaNO2 + dose 1/2 CuC)
Group VI
(NaNO2 + dose 1 CuC)

PVC (%)
Hb (g/dL)
RBC (×106/mm3)
Fragmentocyte (%)

Note: values are presented as mean ± SE of five animals per group. differs significantly from control; differs significantly compared to NaNO2 alone. NaNO2: sodium nitrate; PCV: packed cell volume; RBC: red blood cell; Hb: haemoglobin.