Research Article

Possible Protective Effect of Diacerein on Doxorubicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats

Table 2

Effect of DLD (25 mg/kg/day) and DHD (50 mg/kg/day) on GSH, catalase, and SOD in DOX (15 mg/kg) induced nephrotoxicity.

GroupGSH (mmol/g tissue)Catalase (unit/g tissue)SOD (unit/g tissue)

Control10.32 ± 0.299992.10 ± 2.835829.7 ± 5.182
DLD 10.22 ± 0.553091.53 ± 1.860832.0 ± 6.915
DHD 9.085 ± 0.300091.80 ± 2.127826.6 ± 7.575
DOX4.814 ± 0.1630a72.49 ± 3.662a657.6 ± 15.28a
DOX/DLD 8.678 ± 0.1985ab80.48 ± 4.108722.7 ± 41.13a
DOX/DHD 9.215 ± 0.2814b8627 ± 4.496b807.3 ± 16.96b

Values are representation of 4–6 observations as means ± SEM. Results are considered significantly different when . Significant difference compared to control; significant difference compared to DOX group.