Research Article

Long-Term Safety of PEGylated Coagulation Factor VIII in the Immune-Deficient Rowett Nude Rat

Table 4

List of unscheduled deaths and contributing causes.
(a) 26-Week Study

SexTime of death (week)Found deadEuthanasia for welfare reasonsMajor factors contributing to death

0 IU/kg (control)
Female13XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
FemaleR 7XUrogenital lesions
FemaleR 22XLymphoma

150 IU/kg
Female10XAlimentary tract lesions
Female11XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
Male26XMyocarditis and epicarditis
Male26XNo factors contributing to death identified

500 IU/kg
Female25XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition

1200 IU/kg
Male13XUrogenital lesions
Male21XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
MaleR 22XSepticemia (sequela of skin ulceration)

Note. R = week of 26-week recovery phase.
(b) 52-week study

SexTime of death (week)Found deadEuthanasia for welfare reasonsMajor factors contributing to death

0 IU/kg (control)
Female6XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
Male7XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
Female13XMalignant schwannoma
Male21XGastrointestinal lesions
Male25XUrogenital lesions
Female34XNasal turbinate lesion
Male40XEye lesions
Male41XKidney lesions
Male46XNo factors contributing to death identified
Male47XUrogenital lesions
MaleR 4XAbscess

50 IU/kg
Female26XMalignant oligodendroglioma
Male40XNasal turbinate lesions
Male41XGastrointestinal lesions

150 IU/kg
Male11XCombination of findings contributed to overall poor clinical condition
Male34XSkin lesions
Male49XKidney lesions

500 IU/kg
Female10XGastrointestinal lesions
Male15XJoint lesions
Female17XNo factors contributing to death identified
Female27XNo factors contributing to death identified
Female29XGastrointestinal lesions
Male42XNo factors contributing to death identified
Female44XSkin lesions
Female45XAtrial thrombosis

1200 IU/kg
Female11XKidney lesions
Female11XSkin lesions
Female12XUrogenital lesions
Female16XGastrointestinal lesions
Male22XJoint lesions
Male31XSkin lesions
Female46XGastrointestinal lesions
MaleR 12XSquamous cell sarcoma

Note. R = week of 12-week recovery phase.