Research Article

Modelling Skeletal Muscle Ageing and Repair In Vitro

Figure 1

Human muscle cells are more sensitive to barium chloride-induced injury than mouse muscle cells. Experimental design: myotubes derived from mouse (C2C12) and young and aged human myoblasts were chemically injured with 12% BaCl for 6, 4 and 2 h, respectively and then allowed to regenerate (a). Immunofluorescence images showing F-actin and nuclei labelling with phalloidin and DAPI of C2C12, young, and aged human donors before injury (CTRL) and when incubated for 6 h with BaCl2. Scale bars represent 100 μm (b). No significant difference in the total nuclei number was found before (CTRL) and after injuring the mouse (C2C12) and young and aged human myotubes with 12% BaCl2 for 6, 4 or 2 h, respectively; Circles indicate individual data points of technical replicates (c).