Research Article

Modelling Skeletal Muscle Ageing and Repair In Vitro

Figure 5

KEGG pathway analysis in human muscle cells during regeneration vs. baseline. Venn diagram of young (a) and aged (b) muscle cells showing gene transcripts exclusive to baseline (CTRL) and end of proliferation in the regeneration period (END PROL). Dot plot shows KEGG pathway enriched for different pathways in young (c) and aged (d) muscle cells at the END PROL vs. CTRL. Venn diagram of young (e) and aged (f) muscle cells showing gene transcripts exclusive to baseline (CTRL) and at the end of differentiation in the regeneration period (END DIFF). Dot plot shows KEGG pathway enriched for different pathways in young (g) and aged (h) muscle cells at the END DIFF vs. CTRL. The size of the dot is based on the gene count enriched in the pathway and the color of the dot denotes pathway enrichment significance. nā€‰=ā€‰4.