Research Article

A Predictive Spatial Model to Quantify the Risk of Air-Travel-Associated Dengue Importation into the United States and Europe

Table 1

Problem Notation.

𝑁 𝑈 Subset of susceptible nodes in the United States
𝑁 𝐸 Subset of susceptible nodes in Europe
𝑁 Complete set of susceptible nodes ( 𝑁 𝑈 𝑁 𝐸 )
𝐺 Set of nodes in the endemic region
𝐼 𝑖 Number of reported infections at node 𝑖
𝑃 𝑖 Total number of predicted infections at node 𝑖
𝑃 𝑗 𝑖 Number of predicted infections at node 𝑖 attributed to node 𝑗
𝜆 Vector of parameter to be optimized
𝑥 𝑗 Vector of characteristics of infecting node 𝑗
𝑦 𝑖 Vector of characteristics of susceptible node 𝑖
𝑧 𝑗 𝑖 Vector if parameters specific to link ( 𝑗 , 𝑖 )
𝑉 𝑗 𝑖 Normalized passenger air travel volume between nodes 𝑗 and 𝑖 , ranging from 0 to 1
𝑆 𝑖 Climate suitability of node 𝑖 , ranging from 0 to 1
𝐼 𝑖 Normalized reported infections at node 𝑖
𝐷 𝑗 𝑖 Normalized distance between nodes 𝑗 and 𝑖 , ranging from 0 to 1
𝐴 ( 𝑖 ) Set of endemic nodes adjacent to susceptible node 𝑖
𝛼 , 𝑏 Parameters to be optimize