Research Article

In Vitro Infection of Trypanosoma cruzi Causes Decrease in Glucose Transporter Protein-1 (GLUT1) Expression in Explants of Human Placental Villi Cultured under Normal and High Glucose Concentrations

Figure 2

GLUT1 immunodetection in paraffin-embedded placental villi sections cultured for 24 hours. (a) Uninfected control placental villi. GLUT1 expression was intensively marked on the apical and basal syncytiotrophoblast cell membrane (arrows); (b) normal placental villi in vitro infected with T. cruzi; (c) normal placental villi cultured under high glucose concentration media; (d) normal placental villi cultured under high glucose concentration media, and in vitro infected with T. cruzi; (e) negative control placental villi (without GLUT1 antiserum incubation); (f) image quantification made by “Image Tool” UTHSCSA version 3.00, which indicates the percentage of the marked area; values shown are the mean ± SE of four samples from representative experiments (A: control placental villi, without infection; B: infected normal placental villi; C: normal placental villi cultured under high glucose media; D: infected normal placental villi cultured under high glucose media; E: negative control placental villi). Original magnification: 400x. The scale bar represents 1 μm. *Significantly different from the control placental villi ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 ; 𝑛 = 4 ; paired t-test).