Research Article

Concomitant Infection with Leishmania donovani and L. major in Single Ulcers of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients from Sudan

Table 1

Provenance, numbers, and types of samples collected included in the study.

Geographic originSample typeNumber of samplesLeishmaniasis diagnosisClinical manifestation

Central Gedarif cityHBM*21Symptomatic VL
HB*21Symptomatic VL
HLN*18Symptomatic VL
Tabaraka Allah HHB7Serological VL
HLN1Serological VL
South Gedarif cityHBM5Symptomatic VL
HB20Symptomatic VL
Khartoum-IENDDNA7Culture VL
DNA1Culture PKDL
DNA1Culture ML
DNA6Culture CL

HBM: human bone marrow; HB: human blood; HLN: human lymph node; IEND: Institute of Endemic Diseases.
*Samples from the same patients.