Research Article

The Incidence of Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria in Infants in Kenya

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of study sample, infants with presumptive TB and infants with NTM isolated; and comparison between infants with presumptive TB with and without NTM.

CharacteristicStudy Sample
Investigated for Presumptive TB
(n =742)
(N, column %)
NTM positive
(N, row%)
OR (95%CI)

Female1412358 (48%)10 (2.8%)1 (ref)
Male1488384 (52%)9 (2.3%)0.85 (0.35, 2.11)

Enrolment weight
Normal2674667 (90%)16 (2.4%)1 (ref)
low22675 (10%)3 (4.1%)2.24 (0.65, 7.73)

Place of birth
Home1840510 (69%)11 (2.2%)0.77 (0.31, 1.93)
Health facility1038229 (31%)8 (3.5%)1 (ref)
missing223 (<1%)

Maternal HIV status
HIV negative2451598 (81%)16 (2.7%)1 (ref)
HIV positive401127 (17%)3 (2.4%)0.88 (0.25, 3.08)
Unknown4817 ( 2%)

Infant HIV status
HIV negative2827708 (95%)18 (2.5%)1 (ref)
HIV positive7334 (5%)1 (2.9%)2.17 (0.29, 16.5)

Maternal age category
<19635152 (21%)1 (0.7%)1 (ref)
20-291533384 (52%)16 (4.2%)6.69 (0.89, 50.5)
>29732206 (28%)2 (1.0%)1.74 (0.16, 19.2)

Maternal Occupation
Unemployed1676409 (55%)11 (2.7%)1 (ref)
Farmer864250 (34%)5 (2.0%)0.88 (0.31, 2.54)
Business26061 (8%)2 (3.3%)1.17 (0.26, 5.32)
Salaried7113 (2%)1 (7.7%)2.16 (0.28, 17.0)
Unknown299 (1%)

Housing Type
Mud House1912523 (71%)11 (2.1%)1(ref)
Semi-permanent527125 (17%)4 (3.2%)1.32 (0.42, 4.17)
Permanent42684 (11%)4 (4.8%)1.64 (0.52, 5.17)
Other61 (0.1%)
Unknown299 (1.2%)

Number of Siblings
None649129 (17%)3 (2.3%)1 (ref)
One to three1497391 (53%)14 (3.6%)2.03 (0.58, 7.10)
>3754222 (30%)2 (0.9%)0.57 (0.10, 3.44)

Vaccination Status at 6 weeks
Complete2205682 (92%)16(2.4%)0.48 (0.11, 2.10)
Incomplete13329 (4%)2(7.0%)1 (ref)
Missing56231 (4%)1(3.2%)

Odds of being NTM case among those investigated for presumptive TB, given the category of baseline characteristic.