Research Article

Molecular Characterization of Streptococcus agalactiae Isolates from Pregnant Women in Kathmandu City

Table 3

Distribution of GBS and serotypes on the basis of age, body mass, formal education level, parity, and gestational period.

Age (years)GBS positive (%)Serotype positive value

<19 (n = 5)1 (20%)0000
20–29 (n = 101)23 (22.77)11380.148
30< (n = 19)00000
value = 0.148, no association found between GBS and age of the pregnant women.

Body mass (kg)
 41–50(n = 6)1 (16.67%)1000
 51–60(n = 38)6 (15.79%)0011
 61–70(n = 49)11 (22.45%)00250.794
 71<(n = 32)6 (18.75%)0102
value = 0.794, no association found between GBS and body mass of the pregnant women.

Formal education level
 ≤secondary education examination (n = 54)16 (29.63%)1034
 +2 (n = 42)6 (14.28%)01020.285
Bachelor <(n = 29)2 (6.89%)0002
value = 0.285, no association found between GBS and formal education level of the pregnant women.

 First (n = 79)14 (17.72%)1135
 Second (n = 36)8 (22.22%)00020.893
 Third (n = 10)2 (20%)0001
value = 0.893, no association found between GBS and parity of the pregnant women.

Gestational period
 <36 (n = 61)7 (11.47%)0122
 >36 (n = 64)16 (25%)10160.016
value = 0.016, significant association was found between GBS and gestational period of pregnant women.