Research Article

Terpenoids and Bio-Functions of Essential Oils Hydrodistilled Differently from Freshly Immature and Mature Blumea balsamifera Leaves

Table 1

Yields of essential oils extracted from immature and mature leaves of B. balsamifera with different hydrodistillation periods.

TreatmentWeight (mg/100 g FW)

Immature501.90 ± 510.48a
Mature352.40 ± 497.65b
F test (maturity)
0–6 hrs1254.45 ± 110.53a
6–12 hrs222.21 ± 128.01b
12–18 hrs149.28 ± 88.10c
18–24 hrs82.64 ± 42.55d
F test (time)
(Maturity × time)
Immature0–6 hrs1333.67 ± 97.16a
6–12 hrs336.81 ± 31.61c
12–18 hrs226.01 ± 10.14d
18–24 hrs111.10 ± 28.78e
Mature0–6 hrs1175.24 ± 47.73b
6–12 hrs107.61 ± 23.89e
12–18 hrs72.54 ± 40.43e
18–24 hrs54.19 ± 35.61e
F test
C.V. (%)10.83

Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n= 3). Values in the same column followed by different letters indicate significant differences at  < 0.05 according to Duncan’s multiple range test; :  significant at  < 0.05 and : significant at  < 0.01 level.