Clinical Study

Pattern and Risk Factors of Central Compartment Lymph Node Metastasis in Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Prospective Study from an Endocrine Surgery Centre

Table 1

Demographic profile of the patients; 𝑛 = 4 7 (% age).

Mean age Β± SD (range) years35.79 Β± 12.65 (9–69)

Age group
 (i) ≀45 years40 (85.1)
 (ii) >45 years7 (14.9)
Sex (male : female)31 : 16
Clinical presentation
  (i) Solitary thyroid nodule42 (89.4)
  (ii) Multinodular goiter (MNG)2 (4.3)
  (iii) MNG with dominant nodule3 (6.4)
Occult papillary thyroid cancer4 (8.5
Functional status
  (i) Euthyroid41 (87.2)
  (ii) Hypothyroid6 (12.8)
Clinical nodal staging (TNM-classification)
  (i) cN029 (61.7)
  (ii) cN1b18 (38.3)
Surgical procedure
  (i) TT + B/L CCD28 (59.6)
  (ii) TT + B/L CCD + U/L MRND13 (27.7)
  (iii) TT + B/L CCD + B/L MRND4 (8.5)
  (iv) TT + U/L CCD + U/L MRND2 (4.3)