Clinical Study

Clinical Significance and Prognostic Impact of Subcutaneous or Intrastrap Muscular Recurrence of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Table 3

Clinical courses for 29 PTC patients showing SIM recurrence.

*Was this the initial recurrence?
19 (66%)
10 (34%)
Repeated SIM recurrence
5 (17%)
24 (83%)
Recurrence at other sites
17 (59%)
12 (41%)
Other local recurrences
15 (52%)
14 (48%)
Distant recurrences
13 (45%)
16 (55%)
Clinical outcomes  
 Death of PTC
 Alive with PTC
 Alive without PTC
3 (10%)
10 (34%)
16 (56%)

*Including patients whose other recurrenceswere detected at the same time.