Research Article

Impact of Maternal Thyroperoxidase Status on Fetal Body and Brain Size

Table 2

Selected infant characteristics at delivery by maternal TPO status.

TPO positive ( )TPO negative ( ) value

Gestational age at delivery
 Mean (±SD) 0.71
Delivery type
 Vaginal38 (65.52%)321 (68.30%)0.67
 Male24 (41.38%)241 (51.28%)0.15
1-minute Apgar
 Apgar < 73 (5.17%)37 (7.87%)0.60
Birth weight (gm)
 Mean (±SD)3374.2 (±418.8)3407.2 (±461.2)0.60
Birth Length (cm)
 Mean (±SD)51.11 (±1.96)51.02 (±2.17)0.75
Head circumference (cm)
 Mean (±SD)34.45 (±1.34) 34.86 (±1.45)0.04
Brain weight
 Mean (±SD)331.1 (±33.03)341.5 (±36.27)0.04
Brain-to-body ratio
 Mean (±SD)9.91 (±1.21)10.12 (±1.14)0.19
Abdominal circumference (cm)
 Mean (±SD)30.98 (±2.03)31.35 (±2.09)0.21
Chest circumference (cm)
 Mean (±SD)33.24 (1.92)33.15 (1.95)0.74
High birth weight (HBW)1 (1.72%)23 (4.89)0.50
Low birth weight (LBW)0 (0.00%)8 (1.70%)0.61
Small-for-gestational age (SGA)4 (6.90%)31 (6.60)1.00
Large-for-gestational age (LGA)7 (12.07%)51 (10.85%)0.78