Research Article

Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody in Vitiligo: A Prevalence Study

Table 1

Sample characteristics of study participants.

Sl. numberCharacteristic variableTotal ( = 100)

1Number of male, female participants41, 59
2Age# (years)29.49 ± 15.00; 28.00
3Reported age at onset of vitiligo# (years)24.80 ± 15.66; 21.25
4Duration since first lesion of vitiligo# (years)4.64 ± 6.05; 2.00
5Positive history of vitiligo in family (%)13.00
6Positive history of precipitating factors (%)8.00
7Stable vitiligo [Vitiligo Disease Activity (VIDA) Score ≤ 0]15
8Type of vitiligo (segmental; nonsegmental) (%)4.00; 96.00
9Vitiligo Assessment Severity Index (VASI) <1.00 (%)22.00
10Variants of vitiligo (quadrichrome and trichrome) (%)12.00
11Koebner’s phenomenon present (%)05.00
12Leukotrichia present (%)14.00
13Associated dermatological disorders (%)5.00
14Associated systemic disorder (%)4.00$
15Associated nonthyroid autoimmune disorder (%)2.00@

Mean ± standard deviation; median; $all reported diabetes mellitus; one reported coexistent bronchial asthma; @one participant reported alopecia areata and duodenitis/gastritis with pernicious anaemia.