Research Article

Distribution and Prognostic Significance of Estrogen Receptor α (ERα), Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ), and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER-2) in Thyroid Carcinoma

Table 3

Clinicopathologic correlation of HER-2.

Sl no.AttributeHER-2 positive (n = 19)HER-2 negative (n = 245) valuea overall valuea PTC valuea FTC valuea PDTC

1.Age in years (mean ± SD)46.5 ± 15.946.3 ± 15.50.9450.1310.173
2.Gender (M : F)9 : 1081 : 1640.2170.2850.562
3.Presence of PDAb, n (%)3 (15.8)87 (41.6)0.7620.5140.261
4.Tumor size in cm (mean ± SD)4.9 ± 3.14.7 ± 2.80.0271.0000.014
5.Multicentricity, n (%)6 (31.6)64 (26.8)0.6031.0001.000
6.Extrathyroidal extension, n (%)7 (36.8)58 (24.1)0.2690.3580.266
7.Lymph node metastases, n (%)9 (47.4)93 (38.1)0.4680.4110.290
8.Metastases, n (%)3 (16.7)80 (32.8)0.1950.1860.219
9.Recurrence, n (%)2 (10.5)23 (9.4)1 : 0001.0001.000
10.Mean survival in months (n ± SE)151 ± 14.9192 ± 70.7920.0900.391

aAll values obtained on univariate analysis. b PDA, poorly differentiated areas. Significant positive correlation of HER-2 expression and overall tumor size; FTC tumor size.