Research Article

Distribution and Prognostic Significance of Estrogen Receptor α (ERα), Estrogen Receptor β (ERβ), and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER-2) in Thyroid Carcinoma

Table 4

Summary of the significance of ERα, ERβ, and HER-2 expression.

Sl no.AttributeERα expressionERβ expressionHER-2 expression

1.GenderPTC (male) 0.043PDTC (female) 0.014
2.Tumor sizeFTC (large) 0.014
3.Presence of PDAaWhole cohort 0.026
4.MulticentricityPDTC (multicentric) 0.029
5.Lymph node metastasesWhole cohort 0.014
FTC (less) 0.023
6.Distant metastasesWhole cohort (more) 0.04

aPDA, poorly differentiated areas. Significant values on univariate analysis. Significant values on multivariate analysis. —, nonsignificant correlation. -Attribute within bracket- significantly more.