Clinical Study

Chemokine Receptor-5 32 Mutation is No Risk Factor for Ischemic-Type Biliary Lesion in Liver Transplantation

Table 2

Donor characteristics. ICU: intensive care unit; wt/wt: wild-type CCR-5; wt/ : heterozygous CCR- ; / : homozygous CCR- .

Donor characteristics
wt wt/ / P-value

Donor age (years) .663
Donor gender
Male76 (56.7%)20 (60.6%)1 (50%).901
Female58 (43.3%)13 (39.4%)1 (50%)
Mean donor serum Na+ (mmol/L) 155,5 ± 27.5.552
Cause of brain death
Subarachnoidal bleeding75 (56%)16 (48.5%)1 (50%).866
Trauma31 (23.1%)8 (24.2%)
Intracerebral bleeding1 (0.7%)1 (0.6%)
Hypoxia3 (2.2%)
Brain tumor1 (0.7%)
Cardiac infarction1 (0.7%)
Cerebral infarction10 (7.5%)3 (9.1%)
others12 (9%)5 (15.2%)1 (50%)
Stay on the ICU prior to Organ harvesting (days) 7.0.564