Clinical Study

Impact of Acute Rejection on Kidney Allograft Outcomes in Recipients on Rapid Steroid Withdrawal

Table 1

Baseline patient and transplant characteristics.

No rejection

% of total82%10%7.8%
Mean Age (years) .74
Gender female40%33%36%.68
Mean weight (Kg) .08
% with PRA > 08%3%18%.07
Preemptive Tx27%26%19%.58
African American Race6%7%11%.52
Pre Tx Diabetes35%43%33%.51
Mean HLA mismatch
Basailiximab induction15%24%28%.08
Deceased donor38%46%36%.56
Donor female55%50%67%.68
Donor age (years) .93
ECD donor7%7%6%.93

SR: subclinical rejection, CR: clinical rejection, Tx: transplantation, ECD: extended criteria donor, DGF: delayed graft function.
All continuous variables displayed as the mean ± standard deviation.
* for CR versus no rejection.