Research Article

Intraoperative Hyperglycemia Augments Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Renal Transplantation: A Prospective Study

Table 1

(a) Univariate models of percentage change in NGAL.

Characteristicβ Coefficient95% Confidence interval -value

Recipient age (per 10 years)0.070.02 to 0.11<0.01
Recipient gender (male)0.12−0.01 to 0.250.07
Recipient race (compared to white)
 Black−0.13−0.33 to 0.070.20
 Hispanic−0.14−0.29 to 0.010.07
 Asian/Pacific Islander−0.08−0.38 to 0.220.59
Blood glucose (per 10 unit increase)0.020.01 to 0.03<0.01
Blood glucose > 160 mg/dL0.190.04 to 0.330.02
Recipient diabetes0.180.07 to  0.30<0.01
Panel reactive antibody−0.12−0.38 to 0.140.36
Recipient body mass index0.01−0.001 to 0.020.09
Warm ischemic time (>30 min)0.14−0.01 to 0.280.06
Intra-operative IVF (per liter)0.03−0.06 to 0.120.49
Thymoglobulin induction (compared to Simulect)0.002−0.15 to 0.150.97
Donor age (per 10 years)0.05−0.01 to 0.10.10
Donor gender (male)−0.02−0.15 to 0.120.79
Donor race (compared to caucasian)
 Black−0.12−0.33 to 0.080.24
 Hispanic−0.11−0.27 to 0.050.18
 Asian/Pacific Islander−0.11−0.37 to 0.140.38
Donor BMI−0.005−0.02 to 0.010.62

(b) Multivariate model of percentage change in NGAL.

Characteristicβ Coefficient95% Confidence interval -value

Blood glucose > 160 mg/dL0.190.06 to 0.33<0.01
Warm ischemic time (>30 min)0.11−0.04 to 0.250.13
Recipient age (per 10 year increase)0.050 to 0.100.05