Research Article

New Onset Diabetes Mellitus in Living Donor versus Deceased Donor Liver Transplant Recipients: Analysis of the UNOS/OPTN Database

Table 3

Independent risk factors for NODAT for all LDLT recipients ( ).

HR (95% CI)
HR (95% CI)

Rejection episodesTreated rejection versus no rejection4.12 (2.26–7.50)<0.00014.36 (2.33–8.15) 0.0001

Etiology of liver disease
ALD versus others2.44 (1.31–4.55)0.00492.45 (1.29–4.68)0.0065
HCV versus others3.67 (2.46–5.48)<0.00013.43 (2.27–5.17) 0.0001
NASH + cryptogenic cirrhosis versus others1.16 (0.45–2.96)0.7591.23 (0.48–3.15)0.6653

LDLT: living donor liver transplant; ALD: alcohol liver disease; HCV: hepatitis C virus; NASH: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; HR: hazard ratio; CI: confidence interval.