Clinical Study

Impact of Right-Sided Nephrectomy on Long-Term Outcomes in Retroperitoneoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy at Single Center

Table 2

Characteristic demographics for donors and recipients in right and left RPLDN.

Right ( )Left ( ) value

 Age (yrs) 0.812
 Sex (M/F)6/18174/3350.782
 Mean BMI* (kg/m2) 0.428
 Renal artery (single/multiple)20/4386/1230.550
 Renal vein (single/multiple)18/6478/310.002
 Length of renal artery (cm) <0.001
 Length of renal vein (cm) <0.001
 Age (yrs) 0.381
 Sex (M/F)12/12331/1780.133
 HLA-identical (yes/no)2/2237/4720.837
 ABO incompatible (yes/no)6/18110/3490.769
 Preoperative DSA** (yes/no)7/17158/3510.952
 Immunosuppression (FK/CsA***)24/0474/350.359

BMI: body mass index, DSA: donor-specific HLA antibody, FK/CsA: tacrolimus/cyclosporine.