Clinical Study

Three-Year Outcomes in Kidney Transplant Patients Randomized to Steroid-Free Immunosuppression or Steroid Withdrawal, with Enteric-Coated Mycophenolate Sodium and Cyclosporine: The Infinity Study

Table 3

Efficacy endpoints at month 36, (%).

Steroid avoidance ( )Steroid withdrawal ( ) value

Treatment failurea15 (21.4)10 (16.4)0.46b
BPARc14 (20.0)7 (11.5)0.19b
 Grade IA9 3
 Grade IB21
 Grade IIA 13
Graft loss1 (1.4)0 (0.0)1.00d
Death2 (2.9)2 (3.3)1.00d
Loss to follow-up0 (0.0)2 (3.3)0.22d

BPAR: biopsy-proven acute rejection.
aTreatment failure was defined as BPAR (central review), graft loss, death or loss to follow-up. BPAR detected on the 3-month protocol biopsy was excluded.
bChi-squared test.
cIf a patient experienced more than one episode of BPAR, only the highest rejection grade is shown.
dFisher’s exact test.