Research Article

High Phenotypic Diversity Does Not Always Hide Taxonomic Diversity: A Study Case with Cheilosia soror (Zetterstedt, 1843) (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the Iberian Peninsula

Table 1

Bioclimatic variables that are used to estimate the potential distribution of species of the Cheilosia longula group from the Iberian Peninsula.

CodeEnvironmental variables

Bio1Annual mean temperature
Bio2Mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max. temp.-min. temp.)
Bio4Temperature seasonality ()
Bio5Max temperature of warmest month
Bio6Min temperature of coldest month
Bio7Temperature annual range (Bio5-Bio6)
Bio8Mean temperature of wettest quarter
Bio9Mean temperature of driest quarter
Bio10Mean temperature of warmest quarter
Bio11Mean temperature of coldest quarter
Bio12Annual precipitation
Bio13Precipitation of wettest month
Bio14Precipitation of driest month
Bio15Precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation)
Bio16Precipitation of wettest quarter
Bio17Precipitation of driest quarter
Bio18Precipitation of warmest quarter
Bio19Precipitation of coldest quarter