Review Article

Cystic Echinococcosis: An Impact Assessment of Prevention Programs in Endemic Developing Countries in Africa, Central Asia, and South America

Table 1

Search strategy for the four databases.

DatabaseSearch terms and total results (before exclusion criteria)

CAB Abstracts via Web of Science: CAB Abstracts® and Global Health® (1973-present)1. Echinococcosis OR Echinococcus granulosus OR cystic echinococcosis OR hydatid OR tapeworm OR neglected zoonoses OR zoonotic
2. Prevention OR preventatives OR control OR diagnostic OR tests OR surveillance OR education OR praziquantel OR copro OR vaccine OR ultrasound
3. Effectiveness OR impact OR evaluation OR assessment OR prevalence
4. Animal OR public health OR medical
5. South America OR Americas OR Central Asia OR Asia OR Africa OR developing OR endemic OR poverty OR impoverished OR low socioeconomic OR poor
Total: 4991
PubMed (National Library of Medicine)(Echinococcus granulosus OR cystic echinococcosis OR hydatid OR tapeworm OR neglected zoonoses OR zoonotic) AND (prevention OR preventatives OR control OR surveillance OR education) AND (effectiveness OR impact OR evaluation OR assessment) AND (veterinary OR animal OR public health OR medical) AND (South America OR Central Asia OR Asia OR Africa OR developing OR endemic OR poverty OR impoverished OR low socioeconomic OR poor)
NB: using the search word “cystic,” before echinococcosis, made a difference of 2 articles, which were excluded
Total: 4932
ScienceDirect(Echinococcus granulosus OR cystic echinococcosis OR Echinococcosis) AND (prevention OR control OR surveillance) AND (effectiveness OR impact OR evaluation)
Total: 276
(i) WHO Echinococcosis Webpage
(ii) Institutional Repository of Information Sharing (IRIS) Database
(Echinococcus granulosus OR cystic echinococcosis OR hydatid OR tapeworm OR neglected zoonoses OR zoonotic) AND (prevention OR preventatives OR control OR surveillance OR education) AND (effectiveness OR impact OR evaluation OR assessment) AND (veterinary OR animal OR public health OR medical) AND (South America OR Central Asia OR Asia OR Africa OR developing OR endemic OR poverty OR impoverished OR low socioeconomic OR poor)
NB: individual journals within IRIS database searched using words “echino,” “cyst,” or “helminth”
Total: IRIS: 3535; WHO Site: 2 journal articles

Search dates: Repeated 4 times over December 2020, January 11th, and February 2021.