Research Article

Reevaluation of the Systematic Status of Branchinotogluma (Annelida, Polynoidae), with the Establishment of Two New Species

Figure 1

Distribution of the species of Branchinotogluma (1–23), based on the data of reference [6, 10] and this study. (1) Branchinotogluma hessleri [11]; (2) B. sandersi [11]; (3) B. tunnicliffeae [12]; (4) B. burkensis [5]; (5) B. marianus [5]; (6) B. segonzaci [7]; (7) B. trifurcus [7]; (8) B. elytropapillata [8, 17]; (9) B. japonicus [9]; (10) B. pettiboneae [10]; (11) B. ovata ([10]); (12) B. sp1 [13]; (13) B. sp2 [13]; (14) B. bipapillata [4]; (15) B. sandersi [14]; (16) B. sp. nov. 1 [15]; (17) B. sp. nov. 2 [15]; (18) B. sp. nov. 3 [15]; (19) B. sp. nov. 4 [15]; (20) B. nikkoensis [6]; (21) B. sagamiensis [6]; (22) B. nanhaiensis sp. nov.; (23) B. robusta sp. nov.