Research Article

Reevaluation of the Systematic Status of Branchinotogluma (Annelida, Polynoidae), with the Establishment of Two New Species

Figure 11

Parapodia and chaetae of Branchinotogluma robusta sp. nov., paratypes ((a, c, e, and f) MBM286805, female; (b, e, g, n, and o) MBM286805, male; (h–m) MBM286805, another female, right parapodium on segment 9). (a, e, and g) Three left parapodium in anterior (lower/right position) and posterior (upper/left position) view; (b–d, and f) four right parapodia in anterior (upper/left positions) and posterior (lower/right positions) view, dorsal cirrus detached in (b, d, and f), ventral cirrus are detached in (e); (h) upper notochaetae; (i) notochaetae in median position; (j) lower notochaetae; (k, m) supra-acicular neurochaetae; (l) subacicular neurochaetae; (n) neurochaetae in median position from (e); (o) neurochaetae from (g). br: branchiae; dc: dorsal cirrus; ep: elytrophore; pl: projecting lobe; S2: segment 2; vc: ventral cirrus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a–d, f), 200 μm (e, g), 100 μm (h–k), 50 μm (l–n) and 20 μm (o).